Fact based stock research
T&Ds (TSE:8795)


How to read the free ranks

For every stock, we judge its performance against its peers and rank it on a scale of 1 to 100. The higher the rank, the better the stock performs than its peers. And, we do this for six investment strategies:
Value - shows how good of a value the stock is. Green is "inexpensive"; red is "expensive".

Growth - shows a company's growth potential. Green is "high growth" expected; red is "tough times ahead".

Safety - relates to the amount of debt a company has. Green is low debt level; red is high debt level.

Combined Financial - this isn't an average of the first three ranks but rather a consolidated view across several financial indicators. Green = good; red = tread carefully.

(NEW) Sentiment - quantifies professional analyst ratings and holdings as well as market pulse. Green = positive sentiment; red = skepticism (Only available to Premium Subscribers).

(NEW) 360° View - the ultimate rating with all financial and non-financial indicators.

T&Ds stock research in summary


ANALYSIS: With an Obermatt Combined Rank of 90 (better than 90% compared with investment alternatives), T&Ds (Life & Health Insurance, Japan) shares have much better financial characteristics than comparable stocks. Shares of T&Ds are a good value (attractively priced) with a consolidated Value Rank of 57 (better than 57% of alternatives), show above-average growth (Growth Rank of 75), and are safely financed (Safety Rank of 89), which means low debt burdens. ...read more

RECOMMENDATION: A Combined Rank of 90, is a strong buy recommendation based on T&Ds's financial characteristics. As the company T&Ds's key financial metrics all exhibit excellent performance, such as good value (Obermatt Value Rank of 57), above-average growth (Obermatt Growth Rank of 75), and indicate that the company is safely financed (Obermatt Safety Rank of 89), it is a solid stock investment where the risk of paying too much for the share is limited, unless the company has a bleak future. Such good financial performance can indicate that the company's future might actually be challenging, as it may be difficult to maintain the good performance. If they are safely financed and have been growing above average, and are still a good value, it means that the market is keeping prices low, for a reason which may become clearer over time. We recommend evaluating the future of T&Ds. If you believe the company's future is market-typical or even better, this could be an argument for a share purchase. Obermatt Premium subscribers can further check the stock’s Sentiment Ranks, which also flow into the Obermatt 360° View for investors. ...read more

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Country Japan
Industry Life & Health Insurance
Index Nikkei 225
Size class XX-Large

This stock has achievements: Top 10 Stock.

20-Feb-2025. Stock data may be delayed. Log in or sign up to get the most recent research.

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Research History: T&Ds

RESEARCH HISTORY 2022 2023 2024 2025
360° VIEW
360° VIEW

Most recent update of the stock research: 20-Feb-2025. Financial reporting date used for calculating ranks: 30-Sep-2024. Stock research history is based on the Obermatt Method. The higher the rank, the better T&Ds is in the corresponding investment strategy.
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Combined financial peformance in Detail

ANALYSIS: With an Obermatt Combined Rank of 90 (better than 90% compared with investment alternatives), T&Ds (Life & Health Insurance, Japan) shares have much better financial characteristics than comparable stocks. Shares of T&Ds are a good value (attractively priced) with a consolidated Value Rank of 57 (better than 57% of alternatives), show above-average growth (Growth Rank of 75), and are safely financed (Safety Rank of 89), which means low debt burdens. ...read more

RECOMMENDATION: A Combined Rank of 90, is a strong buy recommendation based on T&Ds's financial characteristics. As the company T&Ds's key financial metrics all exhibit excellent performance, such as good value (Obermatt Value Rank of 57), above-average growth (Obermatt Growth Rank of 75), and indicate that the company is safely financed (Obermatt Safety Rank of 89), it is a solid stock investment where the risk of paying too much for the share is limited, unless the company has a bleak future. Such good financial performance can indicate that the company's future might actually be challenging, as it may be difficult to maintain the good performance. If they are safely financed and have been growing above average, and are still a good value, it means that the market is keeping prices low, for a reason which may become clearer over time. We recommend evaluating the future of T&Ds. If you believe the company's future is market-typical or even better, this could be an argument for a share purchase. Obermatt Premium subscribers can further check the stock’s Sentiment Ranks, which also flow into the Obermatt 360° View for investors. ...read more

RESEARCH HISTORY 2022 2023 2024 2025

Last update of combined financial performance: 6-Oct-2022. Stock analysis on combined financial performance: The higher the rank of T&Ds the better the performance.

Value Metrics in Detail

ANALYSIS: With an Obermatt Value Rank of 57 (better than 57% compared with alternatives), T&Ds shares are more attractively priced than the majority of comparable stocks. The Value Rank is based on consolidating four value indicators, where half the indicators are below and half above average for T&Ds. Price-to-Sales (P/S) is 85, which means that the stock price compared with what market professionals expect for future sales is lower than for 85% of comparable companies, indicating a good value concerning T&Ds's revenue size. The same is valid for the Price-to-Book Capital ratio (also referred to as market-to-book ratio), which is more favorable than for 54% of alternatives (46% of peers have a higher ratio). But expected dividend yields with a Dividend Yield rank of 31 are lower than average (dividends are expected to be lower than 69% of other stocks) while the Price to Profit ratio (or Price to Earnings (P/E) ratio) is higher than average with a Price-to-Profit Rank of 47, making the stock more expensive compared with the company's expected profit levels. ...read more

RECOMMENDATION: The overall picture with a consolidated Value Rank of 57, is a buy recommendation based on T&Ds's stock price compared with the company's operational size and dividend yields. Low profits and low dividends as seen here for T&Ds may indicate a restructuring phase. This could be transitory, making the company a good value when profits recover and dividends return to higher levels. If the stock price is compared with the size indicators for revenue and invested capital, it is on the lower side, making this stock a good value investment (apart from current profit and dividend expectations). We recommend further analyzing the stock with Obermatt’s Value, Safety, and Sentiment Ranks, including the 360° View, before making an investment decision. ...read more

VALUE METRICS 2022 2023 2024 2025
PRICE VS. CAPITAL (Market-to-Book)
PRICE VS. CAPITAL (Market-to-Book)

Last update of Value Rank: 20-Feb-2025. Stock analysis on value ratios: The higher the rank, the lower the value ratio of T&Ds; except for dividend yield where the rank is higher, the higher the yield.

Growth Metrics in Detail

ANALYSIS: With an Obermatt Growth Rank of 75 (better than 75% compared with alternatives) for 2022, T&Ds shows one of the highest growth dynamics in its industry. Investors also speak of high momentum. The Growth Rank is based on consolidating four value indicators, with all but one indicator above average for T&Ds. Profit Growth has a rank of 83 which means that currently professionals expect the company to grow its profits more than 83% of its competitors. The same is valid for capital growth and stock returns. Capital Growth has a rank of 87, and Stock Returns has a rank of 75 which means that the stock returns have recently been above 75% of alternative investments. Only revenue growth is low with a Sales Growth has a rank of 4 (96% of its competitors are better). ...read more

RECOMMENDATION: The overall picture with a consolidated Growth Rank of 75, is a buy recommendation for growth and momentum investors. The many positive growth indicators indicate a positive growth momentum with only low revenue growth. That can also be attributed to divestments or the sale of unprofitable businesses. If that is the reason, overall growth is well on track to making this stock attractive for growth investors. While momentum is a popular investment factor, the value aspect might be the more important one, in the longer term. We recommend analyzing the stock with Obermatt’s Value, Safety, and Sentiment Ranks to arrive at a 360° View of the stock purchase case. ...read more

GROWTH METRICS 2022 2023 2024 2025

Last update of Growth Rank: 20-Feb-2025. Stock analysis on growth metrics: The higher the rank, the higher the growth and returns of T&Ds.

Safety Metrics in Detail

ANALYSIS: With an Obermatt Safety Rank of 89 (better than 89% compared with alternatives) for 2022, the company T&Ds has safe financing practices, which means that their overall debt burden is low. This doesn't mean that the business of T&Ds is safe, it only means that the company is on the safer side regarding possible bankruptcy, assuming that public reporting is correct. The Safety Rank is based on consolidating three financing indicators, where all three are above average for T&Ds. Leverage is at 83, meaning the company has a below-average debt-to-equity ratio. It has less debt than 83% of its competitors. Refinancing is at a rank of 79, meaning that the portion of the debt about to be refinanced is below average. It has less debt in the refinancing stage than 79% of its competitors. Finally, Liquidity is also good at a rank of 90, which means that the company generates more profit to service its debt than 90% of its competitors. ...read more

RECOMMENDATION: With a consolidated Safety Rank of 89 (better than 89% compared with alternatives), T&Ds has a financing structure that is significantly safer than that of its competitors. These three positive financing indicators signal that the company is less likely to default on its debt obligations. However, it also means that its shareholder returns will be more modest if things go well. A low safety means fewer troubles in downtimes and less upside in good times. Investors may not have a debt issue with T&Ds but they should also compare Obermatt’s Value, Growth, and Sentiment Ranks before making a decision. ...read more

SAFETY METRICS 2022 2023 2024 2025

Last update of Safety Rank: 6-Oct-2022. Stock analysis on safety metrics: The higher the rank, the lower the leverage of T&Ds and the more cash is available to service its debt.

Sentiment Metrics in Detail

SENTIMENT 2022 2023 2024 2025

Last update of Sentiment Rank: 20-Feb-2025. Stock analysis on sentiment metrics: The higher the rank, the more positive the sentiment for T&Ds.
Upgrade to a Premium Account to access the latest ranks.

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