Analysis drives Performance
Nobody cares about your money more than you. With our free stock research, you can make investing decisions with confidence, whether you buy an index or individual stocks.
We stand behind our free research and buy stocks based on our stock analysis. For each stock we add to or remove from our index and our portfolios, we explain why.
Obermatt Swiss Pearls Index (...)

Swiss Pearl: Bachem

Obermatt’s Stock Buys and Sells (...)
Top 10: Dow Jones U.S. Medical Equipment

Focus on Defense

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Why trust our research?
Obermatt provides this free research as a neutral, third party. We have no conflict of interest with any individual stocks. We also invest our own money based on our analysis that we share with you.
Why buy an index?
Obermatt’s free stock analysis draws on numerous financial metrics from professional stock research which are converted into a series of cumulative ranks, making interpretation quick and easy. Obermatt’s stock analysis makes professional level stock research accessible to private investors, since it is easy to interpret and affordable. Obermatt’s stock analysis finds its way into the Obermatt Swiss Pearls Index ETP (Exchange Traded Product) traded on the Swiss stock exchange.
Why buy individual stocks?
Whether you invest in index funds or other investments, buying individual stocks can complement your portfolio. While you can’t influence the holdings in an index fund, you can choose to round out your portfolio by buying stocks that you select. Diversification is important in any portfolio, though it often requires less stocks than you might think.
How to read our ranks?
For every stock, we rank its performance across multiple metrics against the peers in its industry and region. The closer the rank gets to 100, the better the stock ranks against its peers.
Find your investment strategy
Do you want to find bargain stocks (Value ranks), the growth stocks of tomorrow (Growth ranks), solidly financed companies (Safety ranks) or the darlings of professional investors (Sentiment ranks)? If you want stocks that are well positioned overall, the 360° View will be your focus. Obermatt calculates all ranks for every stock.
Value - shows how good of a value the stock is. Green is "inexpensive"; red is "expensive".
Growth - shows a company's growth potential. Green is "high growth" expected; red is "tough times ahead".
Safety - relates to the amount of debt a company has. Green is low debt level; red is high debt level.
Combined Financial - this isn't an average of the first three ranks but rather a consolidated view across several financial indicators. Green = good; red = tread carefully.
(NEW) Sentiment - quantifies professional analyst ratings and holdings as well as market pulse. Green = positive sentiment; red = skepticism (Only available to Premium Subscribers).
(NEW) 360° View - the ultimate rating with all financial and non-financial indicators.
Obermatt is the industry leader in measuring business performance. For 20 years, Obermatt has been helping executives and board members measure financial and non-financial (ESG) performance for executive compensation plans. Learn more