Stock investing made easier and safer for more retirement funds

The Obermatt Method provides free financial stock analysis for faster and safer investment decisions. The Obermatt Method allows Financial advisors and self-directed investors to manage their stocks more efficiently and increase their returns. This means more savings when you retire.

Faster with Obermatt

The Obermatt rank method makes the financial situation of a stock transparent at a single glance. Misinterpretations are less likely, because, the higher the rank, the better the investment metric for the investor. Even with little financial knowledge, people will make better investment decisions in less time. This makes stock investment decisions faster because the financials don't need to be analyzed in detail so that you can concentrate on all the non-financial investment criteria.

Safer with Obermatt

Unlike most other stock research and stock analyst ratings, Obermatt's free stock analyses are based on financial facts rather than individual opinions. The basis for our stock analysis is the Obermatt rank method, which derives the ratings primarily from the financial facts of the company. Avoiding individual opinions in stock research is safer, because subjective biases are avoided. Obermatt consolidates analyst opinions and shifts in opinions into a rank to show a company's relative position in the market.

Financials You Trust

Since Obermatt is independent of your money, we are free of conflict of interests which is not the case with many other sources of stock investment research. In addition, the method is public so that investors can always validate Obermatt stock research and ratings themselves.