June 13, 2024

Obermatt stock research: Our newest improvements

Obermatt stock research: Our newest improvements

At Obermatt, we're committed to providing investors with up-to-date and intuitive stock coverage. We've been making improvements to enhance your investment journey, whether you’re a beginner, hobby investor or a professional.

Over the last two years, we have upgraded our infrastructure with a new ranks calculation engine and data provider. This translates to more current and reliable stock rankings, ensuring you're basing your decisions on the latest information. Most recently, we’re also leveraging the power of advanced algorithms to identify similar stocks as an added dimension to our own proven algorithms. This allows us to build even more robust Investment Themes and refine the exclusion criteria for our filtering system. It also helps us identify the peers for each of the companies we cover, which makes the rank calculations even more precise.

Currently, we cover around 7,000 companies that fit our high quality criteria, making sure that the companies have the most recent financial data, are investable and aren’t based in autocracies.

The quality of our research is also the foundation of the Obermatt Swiss Pearls Index. As our stock coverage and rank calculation methods strengthen, so too does the index, providing a reliable and well-rounded investment product.

Obermatt remains dedicated to providing you with the tools and insights you need to navigate the market with confidence.

We buy the stocks we discuss and openly publish the returns of our portfolio. That's how much we believe in our stock research. Subscribe to the top 10 stocks for 100 markets conveniently by e-mail.

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