July 4, 2024

Country, Industry, Size, and…? Find stocks by theme now too

Country, Industry, Size, and…? Find stocks by theme now too

Alternative energy, future technologies, climate change. Many investors have areas that are important to them and would like to invest in stocks that promote those interests and long-term goals. But, it’s often hard to know which stocks those could be. This is where Obermatt’s Investment Themes research comes in.

Imagine wanting to invest in a future-oriented theme like Electromobility. Obermatt wouldn't just point you to car manufacturers. You might also find companies like Siemens, a major player in charging infrastructure, included in the theme. This holistic approach helps you discover hidden gems that contribute to a specific theme but might not be readily apparent.

Obermatt doesn't rely on gut feeling. We leverage data analysis to rank companies based on various criteria relevant to each theme. By crunching this data, Obermatt curates a range of investment themes, encompassing specific industries, investment topics, UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), environmental concerns, social responsibility initiatives, and good governance practices.

To name a few examples, this includes factors like a company's commitment to recycling practices within a Recycling theme, or strong corporate governance within one of the Governance themes. This approach empowers you to build a portfolio that reflects your values and interests. Think you care about the environment? Explore themes like Energy Efficient or Water Efficiency. Want to support companies with strong social initiatives? Look into themes like Employee Health.

The beauty of Obermatt themes lies in our ability to spark new investment ideas. They go beyond the standard industry classification, offering a fresh perspective on how companies contribute to broader trends and goals.

Just like traditional market indices, each Obermatt theme boasts its own Top 10 list. This allows you to quickly identify leading companies within a specific theme, facilitating further research and informed investment decisions. Obermatt Investment Themes provide a unique way to navigate the investment world. By considering ESG factors alongside traditional metrics, they help you discover companies aligned with your values and goals. With a wide range of themes to explore and top 10 lists for each, Obermatt empowers you to make informed investment decisions and build a portfolio that reflects your vision for the future.

We buy the stocks we discuss and openly publish the returns of our portfolio. That's how much we believe in our stock research. Subscribe to the top 10 stocks for 100 markets conveniently by e-mail.

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