December 19, 2024
Top 10 Stock Data Modul Strong Buy Recommendation
How to read the ranks
For every stock, we judge its performance against its peers and rank it on a scale of 1 to 100. The higher the rank, the better the stock performs than its peers. And, we do this for six investment strategies:
Value - shows how good of a value the stock is. Green is "inexpensive"; red is "expensive".
Growth - shows a company's growth potential. Green is "high growth" expected; red is "tough times ahead".
Safety - relates to the amount of debt a company has. Green is low debt level; red is high debt level.
Combined Financial - this isn't an average of the first three ranks but rather a consolidated view across several financial indicators. Green = good; red = tread carefully.
(NEW) Sentiment - quantifies professional analyst ratings and holdings as well as market pulse. Green = positive sentiment; red = skepticism (Only available to Premium Subscribers).
(NEW) 360° View - the ultimate rating with all financial and non-financial indicators.
Snapshot: Data Modul – Top 10 Stock in Germany CDAX
Data Modul is listed as a top 10 stock on December 19, 2024 in the market index CDAX because of its high performance in at least one of the Obermatt investment strategies. As all consolidated Obermatt Ranks exhibit excellent performance, including positive market sentiment in the professional investor community, it is a solid stock investment where the risk of paying too much for the shares is limited. Based on the Obermatt 360° View of 98 (top 98% performer), Obermatt assesses an overall strong buy recommendation for Data Modul on December 19, 2024.
Snapshot: Obermatt Ranks

When Obermatt identifies the Top 10 stocks in a market, it’s based on a certain investment strategy. The best performing stocks usually aren’t the ones that everyone is talking about (those are often "over-priced" and have low Value ranks).
For each investment strategy, we provide you with more detailed analysis and our recommendation. You see the ranks of the top 10 stocks ranked by that particular investment strategy (360° View, Sentiment, Value, Growth, Safety and Combined Financial Performance).
360° View: Obermatt 360° View Data Modul Strong Buy
360 METRICS | December 19, 2024 | |||||||
VALUE | ||||||||
VALUE | 86 |
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GROWTH | ||||||||
GROWTH | 69 |
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SAFETY | ||||||||
SAFETY | 89 |
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SENTIMENT | ||||||||
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360° VIEW | ||||||||
360° VIEW | 98 |
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ANALYSIS: With an Obermatt 360° View of 98 (better than 98% compared with alternatives) for 2024, overall professional sentiment and financial characteristics for the stock Data Modul are very positive. The 360° View is based on consolidating four consolidated indicators, with all four indicators above average for Data Modul. The consolidated Value Rank has an attractive rank of 86, which means that the share price of Data Modul is on the lower side compared with the typical size in indicators such as revenues, profits, and invested capital. This means the stock price is lower than for 86% of alternative stocks in the same industry. The consolidated Growth Rank has a good rank of 69, which means that the company experiences above-average growth momentum when looking at financial metrics such as revenue, profit, and invested capital growth as well as stock returns. The company is also safely financed with a Safety rank of 89. Finally, professional market sentiment is above average compared with other stock investment alternatives with a Sentiment Rank of 70. more
RECOMMENDATION: With a consolidated 360° View of 98, Data Modul is better positioned than 98% of all alternative stock investment opportunities based on the Obermatt Method. As all consolidated Obermatt Ranks exhibit excellent performance, such as good value (Value Rank of 86), above-average growth (Growth Rank of 69), safe financing practices (Safety Rank of 89), and a positive market sentiment in the professional investor community (Sentiment Rank of 70), it is a solid stock investment where the risk of paying too much for the shares is limited and disappointments are less likely to occur, unless information not publicly available. High-Value Ranks sometimes indicate that the company's future is challenging. If they are safely financed and have above average growth, and are still a good value, it may indicate that this will not continue. We recommend evaluating whether the future of Data Modul is as difficult as the stock’s low price, despite what good growth and safe financing practice suggest. Since the professional community is optimistic, you might have less to worry about, and the stock is just not sufficiently visible, which may indicate good timing right now. more
Sentiment Strategy: Professional Market Sentiment for Data Modul positive
ANALYSIS: With an Obermatt Sentiment Rank of 70 (better than 70% compared with alternatives), overall professional sentiment and engagement for the stock Data Modul is above average. The Sentiment Rank is based on consolidating four sentiment indicators, with all but one indicator above average for Data Modul. Analyst Opinions are at a rank of 100 (better than 100% of alternative investments), which means that, currently, stock research analysts tend to recommend a stock investment in the company. In addition, Analyst Opinions Change has a rank of 50, which means that stock research experts are changing their opinions for the better in recommending investing in the company. In other words, they are getting even more optimistic about investments in Data Modul. Finally, the Professional Investors rank is 55, which means that currently, professional investors hold more stock in this company than in 55% of alternative investment opportunities. more
RECOMMENDATION: With a consolidated Sentiment Rank of 70 (more positive than 70% compared with investment alternatives), Data Modul has a reputation among professional investors that is above-average compared with that of its competitors. Pros tend to favor investing in this company. But there is also a signal for caution. Market Pulse has a rank of 17, which means that the current professional news and professional social networks tend to be negative when discussing this company (more negative news than for 83% of competitors). This could mean future risks and should make investors careful. Attention to negative news for Data Modul is worthwhile because they may be early warning signals. Without those, all other professional signals are encouraging, especially since analysts are getting more optimistic. more
Value Strategy: Data Modul Stock Price Value at the top
ANALYSIS: With an Obermatt Value Rank of 86 (better than 86% compared with alternatives) for 2024, Data Modul shares are significantly less expensive than comparable stocks. The Value Rank is based on consolidating four value indicators, with three out of four indicators above average for Data Modul. Price-to-Sales (P/S) is 76, which means that the stock price compared with what market professionals expect for future sales is lower than for 76% of comparable companies, indicating a good value regarding Data Modul's revenue size. The same is valid for expected Price to Profits (or Price / Earnings, P/E), more favorable than for 82% of alternatives, and it's also true for the Price-to-Book Capital ratio (also referred to as market-to-book ratio) with a Price-to-Capital Rank of 84. But, compared with other companies in the same industry, dividend yields are expected to be lower than average; only 36% of all competitors have even lower dividend yields than Data Modul (a Dividend Yield Rank of 36). 64% alternative investments in the same business provide a higher dividend yield. more
RECOMMENDATION: The overall picture with a consolidated Value Rank of 86, is a buy recommendation based on Data Modul's stock price compared with the company's operational size and dividend yields. The below-average dividend yield may be a good sign, as it could mean the company has more attractive investment opportunities for the generated cash than to pay it out as dividends. A low dividend yield can also indicate a growth phase. more
Growth Strategy: Data Modul Growth Momentum good
GROWTH METRICS | December 19, 2024 | |||||||
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PROFIT GROWTH | ||||||||
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STOCK RETURNS | ||||||||
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ANALYSIS: With an Obermatt Growth Rank of 69 (better than 69% compared with alternatives), Data Modul shows an above-average growth dynamic in its industry. Investors also speak of positive momentum. The Growth Rank is based on consolidating four value indicators, with half of the indicators below and half above average for Data Modul. Sales Growth has a rank of 60 which means that currently, professionals expect the company to grow more than 60% of its competitors. Capital Growth is also above 27% of competitors with a rank of 84. But Profit Growth only has a rank of 27, which means that currently professionals expect the company to grow its profits less than 73% of its competitors. And Stock Returns have also been below average with a rank of only 41. more
RECOMMENDATION: The overall picture with a consolidated Growth Rank of 69, is a buy recommendation for growth and momentum investors. Profits are sometimes low if the company invests in the future. The positive revenue and capital investment outlook confirms such an interpretation. Both revenues and capital are solid growth indicators, and lower profits in such a case would be encouraging. But the investors see it differently by punishing the share price. Sometimes, Mister Market is not very reliable, because it is not uncommon for it to be volatile. Investors should look out for signs of growth expenditure that could justify low profit growth, and they may also find reasons why recent stock price developments don't confirm the growth outlook of operations. While operating growth indicators are not perfect, they are more reliable indicators for future performance than stock prices that can repeatedly surprise investors. more
Safety Strategy: Data Modul Debt Financing Safety very solid
SAFETY METRICS | December 19, 2024 | |||||||
LEVERAGE | ||||||||
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REFINANCING | ||||||||
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LIQUIDITY | ||||||||
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ANALYSIS: With an Obermatt Safety Rank of 89 (better than 89% compared with alternatives) for 2024, the company Data Modul has safe financing practices, which means that their overall debt burden is low. This doesn't mean that the business of Data Modul is safe, it only means that the company is on the safer side regarding possible bankruptcy, assuming that public reporting is correct. The Safety Rank is based on consolidating three financing indicators, where all three are above average for Data Modul. Leverage is at 64, meaning the company has a below-average debt-to-equity ratio. It has less debt than 64% of its competitors. Refinancing is at a rank of 94, meaning that the portion of the debt about to be refinanced is below average. It has less debt in the refinancing stage than 94% of its competitors. Finally, Liquidity is also good at a rank of 60, which means that the company generates more profit to service its debt than 60% of its competitors. more
RECOMMENDATION: With a consolidated Safety Rank of 89 (better than 89% compared with alternatives), Data Modul has a financing structure that is significantly safer than that of its competitors. These three positive financing indicators signal that the company is less likely to default on its debt obligations. However, it also means that its shareholder returns will be more modest if things go well. A low safety means fewer troubles in downtimes and less upside in good times. more
Combined financial peformance: Data Modul Top Financial Performance
COMBINED PERFORMANCE | December 19, 2024 | |||||||
VALUE | ||||||||
VALUE | 86 |
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GROWTH | ||||||||
GROWTH | 69 |
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SAFETY | ||||||||
SAFETY | 60 |
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COMBINED | ||||||||
COMBINED | 100 |
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ANALYSIS: With an Obermatt Combined Rank of 100 (better than 100% compared with investment alternatives), Data Modul (Electr. Manufacturing Services, Germany) shares have much better financial characteristics than comparable stocks. Shares of Data Modul are a good value (attractively priced) with a consolidated Value Rank of 86 (better than 86% of alternatives), show above-average growth (Growth Rank of 69), and are safely financed (Safety Rank of 89), which means low debt burdens. more
RECOMMENDATION: A Combined Rank of 100, is a strong buy recommendation based on Data Modul's financial characteristics. As the company Data Modul's key financial metrics all exhibit excellent performance, such as good value (Obermatt Value Rank of 86), above-average growth (Obermatt Growth Rank of 69), and indicate that the company is safely financed (Obermatt Safety Rank of 89), it is a solid stock investment where the risk of paying too much for the share is limited, unless the company has a bleak future. Such good financial performance can indicate that the company's future might actually be challenging, as it may be difficult to maintain the good performance. If they are safely financed and have been growing above average, and are still a good value, it means that the market is keeping prices low, for a reason which may become clearer over time. We recommend evaluating the future of Data Modul. If you believe the company's future is market-typical or even better, this could be an argument for a share purchase. more
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