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Alternative stocks to Faron Pharmaceuticals (AIM:FARN)

These are the alternatives to Faron Pharmaceuticals that fall within the same industry, Biotechnology, or region, Finland.

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For every stock, we judge its performance against its peers and rank it on a scale of 1 to 100. The higher the rank, the better the stock performs than its peers. And, we do this for six investment strategies:

Value - shows how good of a value the stock is. Green is "inexpensive"; red is "expensive".

Growth - shows a company's growth potential. Green is "high growth" expected; red is "tough times ahead".

Safety - relates to the amount of debt a company has. Green is low debt level; red is high debt level.

Combined Financial - this isn't an average of the first three ranks but rather a consolidated view across several financial indicators. Green = good; red = tread carefully.

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Faron Pharmaceuticals stock research in summary

Faron Pharmaceuticals stock research analysis by the purely faced based Obermatt method on current and historical performance by investment strategy | Faron Pharmaceuticals (AIM:FARN), Biotechnology, Finland

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Country Finland
Industry Biotechnology
Size class XX-Large

Large companies - similar industry as Faron Pharmaceuticals

1. Sanofi (XXL, FR)  Pharmaceuticals
1. Sanofi (XXL, FR)   Pharmaceuticals 97 59 84 98
2. Perrigo (XL, IE)  Pharmaceuticals
2. Perrigo (XL, IE)   Pharmaceuticals 99 27 86 90
3. Ipsen (XL, FR)  Pharmaceuticals
3. Ipsen (XL, FR)   Pharmaceuticals 87 45 86 90
4. Sandoz (XL, CH)  Pharmaceuticals
4. Sandoz (XL, CH)   Pharmaceuticals 59 75 18 52
5. Merck (DE) (XXL, DE)  Pharmaceuticals
5. Merck (DE) (XXL, DE)   Pharmaceuticals 83 7 58 52
6. Jazz Pharmaceuticals (XL, IE)  Pharmaceuticals
6. Jazz Pharmaceuticals (XL, IE)   Pharmaceuticals 51 63 34 50
7. Eurofins Scientific (XL, LU)  Life Sciences Tools & Services
7. Eurofins Scientific (XL, LU)   Life Sciences Tools & Services 87 41 23 49
8. Bayer (XXL, DE)  Pharmaceuticals
8. Bayer (XXL, DE)   Pharmaceuticals 97 1 43 45
9. GSK (XXL, GB)  Pharmaceuticals
9. GSK (XXL, GB)   Pharmaceuticals 90 15 17 33
10. Roche (XXL, CH)  Pharmaceuticals
10. Roche (XXL, CH)   Pharmaceuticals 49 53 16 26

February 27, 2025

Why popular stocks have low ratings

It’s easier said than done. When your stock drops, it’s easy to want to sell it and find a better performer. Think twice, or even three times, before trading. Those fees (especially the hidden ones) can eat up your gains.

Large companies - similar region as Faron Pharmaceuticals

1. Nokia (XXL, FI)  Communications Equipment
1. Nokia (XXL, FI)   Communications Equipment 90 30 64 100
2. Outokumpu (XL, FI)  Steel
2. Outokumpu (XL, FI)   Steel 85 93 83 98
3. Valmet (XL, FI)  Industrial Machinery
3. Valmet (XL, FI)   Industrial Machinery 73 93 34 87
4. UPM (XL, FI)  Paper Products
4. UPM (XL, FI)   Paper Products 39 75 90 85
5. Metso Outotec (XL, FI)  Heavy Machinery
5. Metso Outotec (XL, FI)   Heavy Machinery 39 85 48 77
6. Fortum (XL, FI)  Electric Utilities
6. Fortum (XL, FI)   Electric Utilities 33 59 92 73
7. Wartsila (XL, FI)  Industrial Machinery
7. Wartsila (XL, FI)   Industrial Machinery 31 91 45 71
8. Konecranes (XL, FI)  Industrial Machinery
8. Konecranes (XL, FI)   Industrial Machinery 49 69 60 70
9. Cargotec (XL, FI)  Industrial Machinery
9. Cargotec (XL, FI)   Industrial Machinery 37 63 66 64
10. Tieto (XL, FI)  IT Consulting & oth. Services
10. Tieto (XL, FI)   IT Consulting & oth. Services 91 35 27 50

February 27, 2025

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Mid sized companies - similar industry as Faron Pharmaceuticals

1. Krka (L, SI)  Pharmaceuticals
1. Krka (L, SI)   Pharmaceuticals 55 87 100 100
2. Richter Gedeon Vegyészeti Gyár Nyilvánosan Muködo Rt. (L, HU)  Pharmaceuticals
2. Richter Gedeon Vegyészeti Gyár Nyilvánosan Muködo Rt. (L, HU)   Pharmaceuticals 98 57 93 100
3. Boiron (M, FR)  Pharmaceuticals
3. Boiron (M, FR)   Pharmaceuticals 100 19 95 93
4. Faes Farma, (M, ES)  Pharmaceuticals
4. Faes Farma, (M, ES)   Pharmaceuticals 87 35 96 93
5. SKAN (M, CH)  Life Sciences Tools & Services
5. SKAN (M, CH)   Life Sciences Tools & Services 5 85 100 90
6. Orion (L, FI)  Pharmaceuticals
6. Orion (L, FI)   Pharmaceuticals 31 83 85 85
7. Virbac (L, FR)  Pharmaceuticals
7. Virbac (L, FR)   Pharmaceuticals 61 73 85 81
8. Tecan Group (L, CH)  Life Sciences Tools & Services
8. Tecan Group (L, CH)   Life Sciences Tools & Services 51 7 86 80
9. Bachem (M, CH)  Life Sciences Tools & Services
9. Bachem (M, CH)   Life Sciences Tools & Services 47 23 100 78
10. PolyPeptide (M, CH)  Life Sciences Tools & Services
10. PolyPeptide (M, CH)   Life Sciences Tools & Services 35 97 49 77

February 27, 2025

Mid sized companies - similar region as Faron Pharmaceuticals

1. Groupe Crit (L, FR)  HR- & Employment Services
1. Groupe Crit (L, FR)   HR- & Employment Services 87 57 96 100
2. Betsson (L, SE)  Casinos & Gaming
2. Betsson (L, SE)   Casinos & Gaming 93 85 96 100
3. Instone Real Estate Group (M, DE)  Real Estate Development
3. Instone Real Estate Group (M, DE)   Real Estate Development 94 63 98 100
4. La Française des Jeux (L, FR)  Casinos & Gaming
4. La Française des Jeux (L, FR)   Casinos & Gaming 49 81 94 100
5. Data Modul (M, DE)  Electr. Manufacturing Services
5. Data Modul (M, DE)   Electr. Manufacturing Services 82 53 89 100
6. Romande Energie (L, CH)  Electric Utilities
6. Romande Energie (L, CH)   Electric Utilities 63 95 100 100
7. Richter Gedeon Vegyészeti Gyár Nyilvánosan Muködo Rt. (L, HU)  Pharmaceuticals
7. Richter Gedeon Vegyészeti Gyár Nyilvánosan Muködo Rt. (L, HU)   Pharmaceuticals 98 57 93 100
8. Uzin Utz (M, DE)  Specialty Chemicals
8. Uzin Utz (M, DE)   Specialty Chemicals 91 85 84 100
9. Brunel International (L, NL)  HR- & Employment Services
9. Brunel International (L, NL)   HR- & Employment Services 71 96 95 100
10. Kontron (L, AT)  IT Consulting & oth. Services
10. Kontron (L, AT)   IT Consulting & oth. Services 67 83 88 100

February 27, 2025

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